Non-Sequiturs: 11.10.15
* Hey there 3Ls -- need a handy excuse for why you didn't do the assigned reading? Here's some help. [Law Prof Blawg]
* One law review's attempt to address diversity among its ranks. [Yale Law Journal]
* One Missouri Law School professor supports the protesting students, but with caveats. [Truth on the Market]
* Most lawyers DO have fulfilling careers -- well, as long as you live in Texas. Hardly seems worth it. [TaxProf Blog]
* One NYU Law professor, Jason M. Schultz aka @lawgeek, is moving on up. He'll be advising the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy on IP and innovation. Congrats! [Twitter]
* On the eve of yet another GOP shitshow primary debate, a question for the ages: Is Hillary Clinton to the right, politically, of Richard Nixon? [Lawyers, Guns & Money]
* From an orphaned child refugee to a diplomat, an inspiring story. [Quartz]